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The main project activities are 4 short-term joint staff training events: each partner organization will manage one of them, for 3 youth workers and/or volunteers from each partner organization.

Each staff training event is followed by a phase of local activities for the application and experimentation of the learning outcomes in the partner organizations: they drive the process of exchange of best practices among the partners, following a progressive path that starts from a theoretical preparation on environmental issues and actions of natural environment protection, passing through a deepening on team building and facilitation to inclusive volunteering, urban green actions and stakeholders' involvement.

The partners collaboration reaches its climax with a blended mobility that involve 5 young participants and an accompanying person per partner and is held in Palermo with the aim to built a complete and effective non formal learning path on environment protection with a special focus on youth social entrepreneurship about in the green sector.









We are a strategic partnership composed by 4 European organizations: Associazione Uniamoci Onlus from Italy, BRIGADA DO MAR - UNIÃO from Portugal, Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO from Poland and Urban Foxes from Belgium.

© 2019 by Uniamoci Onlus
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