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Social media campaign

Below there are the tables used to create a social media campaign to raise awareness about the environmental issues and to promote sustainable behaviurs on the project facebook page.

They are the result of an experiential workshop about the use of visual communication as a tool for youth work: the participants to the staff training event held in Palermo, have been involved in a workshop of VISUAL COMMUNICATION TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIOURS in order to learn about this methodology (Find out more here "Palermo green and inclusive volunteering"). Each participant created a table to raise social awareness to experience the learned tool, they were later pubblished on the project facebook page each two days, beign able to reach till 1000 people and 7 sharings.

Visuals for awareness created by the youth during the blended mobility in Palermo

  • Video

  • Giph

  • social media visual



We are a strategic partnership composed by 4 European organizations: Associazione Uniamoci Onlus from Italy, BRIGADA DO MAR - UNIÃO from Portugal, Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO from Poland and Urban Foxes from Belgium.

© 2019 by Uniamoci Onlus
Proudly created with


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