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Tools, created by youth, to promote the Youth participation activities

Poems for promotion

Ancora 1

Europe’s democratic life solved

brings young people from all backgrounds

to participate and get involved

so your voice is heard.

Let’s increase our resilience!



With your own experience

Go and choose your path

Climate change is serious

Take a knowledge-bath.

 Take your backpack, -go!

In Erasmus flow

Meet people and cultures

Let’s create the future!



Are you young, not yet in your thirties?

 European students, youngsters, not yet thirty,

With an idea that is funding worthy,

Go apply for Erasmus plus,

With a project of minimum 3 months,

That is a must

 There is not left much time,

So prepare your annex and

Don’t miss the deadline!


Roses are red

European flag is blue

Learning mobility of individuals

Is an opportunity for you.

Any time soon



Fighting for better

Inclusion is nothing

without fairness and opportunity.

Protection is a sign of care

and safety a sign of community.

To save our home we need to change

and to work together.

Let’s use digital asabridge

to connect and uplift others.

Youth can change the world and mindsets!

Stay alert!

Stay present!

Fight for others!



Sometimes you include,

sometimes you protect,

others may you build or sustain,

but remember that in the end,

all the things connect



Roses are red,

violets are blue,

Erasmus+ programs are cool,

because all people include.


Ancora 2

Motivational short articles

Ancora 3

1. Be active!

  • Have you ever felt helpless in life?

  • Have you ever felt like you want your opinion to be heard and have an impact?

  • Do you want to do something about it but don’t know how?


Well, you should join our programme!


In here your presence would be really important and you can learn so much! Be a part of this group of young people like you who also want to take action.


Every day is a great day to start!



2. With the Erasmus+ programme, the EU gives you the opportunity to expand your personal horizon, meet people from all over Europe, and get more opportunities when navigating your life as a young person in Europe.

You get the chance to develop soft skills, digital skills, etc.


Take your chance now and apply for one of the numerous exciting projects!

Not convinced yet? Don’t worry, all costs are included.

Anything that’s holding you back? No? We thought so ;)


Ancora 4
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Ancora 5



1: Youth participation activities


Who can participate and apply?

A.) Political organizations

B.) A non-profit organization

C.) Business/company


Who are eligible participants?

A.) People between 13 and 99 years old

B.) Everybody over the age of 30

C.) Young people between 13 and 30 years old

D.) People with pets


Where should the venue of the activities be?

A.) Anywhere in the world

B.) In the country of one or more participating organizations

C.) Every country where they serve good Italian food


How long should a project be?

A.) From 3 to 24 months

B.) From 2 to 5 years

C.) If you’re Italian, please contact your agency

D.) Depends on how long you have to stay in quarantaine



2. (Yes or no questions)

  1. Youth activities are formal learning activities where there is a teacher and student relationship? NO

  2. Is cooperation an important aim of youth activities? YES

  3. Activities are happening in a classroom? NO

  4. Are youth activities useful to raise awareness? YES

  5. Are youth activities just for a selected group of people? NO

  6. Do you need to have experience to participate in these activities? NO

  7. Youth activities aren’t connected to active citizenship NO

  8. Youth activities aren’t political and can’t bring change NO

  9. Youth activities just need to be education related NO

  10. Youth activities have just a local effect. NO



Why is the format of Erasmus+ project flexible?

A.) Because of EU rules

B.) Because it’s easily adapted to the national/transnational activities

C.) Because of different time zone

D.) Because the EU likes to be sexy-flexy


Should the activities be safe?

A.) Yes

B.) No

C.) Maybe

D.) Depends if you like the participants


Fill the gap: A project should be implemented with …………. consciousness.

A.) Friendly

B.) Environmental

C.) Rude

D.) Sexy



 What is the first stage for setting up a project?

A.) Planning

B.) Preparation

C.) Implementation

D.) Follow-up


What is planning about?

A.) Having an idea

B.) Define the needs


Setting up agreements with partners is part of?

A.) Planning

B.) Preparation 


What is the most important part of the follow-up?

A.) Identification

B.) Evaluation



5. Erasmus+ eligibility bingo


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Ancora 6

Photo gallery

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We are a strategic partnership composed by 4 European organizations: Associazione Uniamoci Onlus from Italy, BRIGADA DO MAR - UNIÃO from Portugal, Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO from Poland and Urban Foxes from Belgium.

© 2019 by Uniamoci Onlus
Proudly created with


“The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

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