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YOUTH'S PROPOSALS for environment protection

During the blended mobility for youth, the participants have been supported in the collection of ideas to undertake a concrete intervention in order to improve the environmental situation at local and European level - in view of the joint application for a Youth Participation Activity under the Erasmus+ Programme.


In that occasion the Dragon Dreaming method for project planning has been adopted, to support the youth in the definition of objectives and tasks/activities in the project.

After that, during the virtual meeting that followed the physical meeting in Palermo, the youth worked on the writing of the project application via zoom, working in small groups on common sessions of the application form (through zoom rooms) and being supervised by a youth worker.


Here the results of the first steps of the work the youth made in presence:


Stimulate a bigger sense of responsibility and environmental awareness in young people by empowering them, connecting them with nature and practicing active citizenship

Specific objectives:

Create workshops for youth about raising social awareness about ecology in each partner country

Promote cooperation between schools and local power for urbanity

Encourage civic behavior, thus changing the world that surrounds us by active education

Create shared places and connect the people, involve local society and give space to disconnect from technology

Influencing policy to make rules more environmental friendly

Youth trying to raise awareness amongst youth

Raise environmental awareness on a small scale amongst youth

Measuring the impact of the objective

Facilitate organization of an initiative between environmental NGO and (NGO that works with) youth (with limited opportunities)

Empower the connection of youth to nature through outdoor activities

Tasks of the project:


Visual to facilitate the process of writing of the application:

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We are a strategic partnership composed by 4 European organizations: Associazione Uniamoci Onlus from Italy, BRIGADA DO MAR - UNIÃO from Portugal, Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO from Poland and Urban Foxes from Belgium.

© 2019 by Uniamoci Onlus
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