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Read about what is happening in our project 

Urban Foxes is an international multi-disciplinary non-profit organization with their headquarters in Brussels. We aim to improve urban health & wellbeing and social cohesion through creative and playful interventions, workshops and lectures. Our approach is focused on the participatory process of all stakeholders, from citizens to policy makers, from children to adults. We firmly believe in a bottom-up approach were co-creation will transform cities into places were people can breath, relax and enjoy themselves. Turning them into healthy, green, happy, vibrant, sustainable and livable neighborhoods.

Brussels City, also known as the Pentagon, takes its name from the shape created by th earlier city walls. The fortified walls & gates around the city were gradually dismantled from the 18th century onwards after its military function had become obsolete. Architect Jean-Baptiste Vifquain designed the plan to transform this vacant space into a promenade. The liberated space became a walking and cycling boulevard, with green spaces, panoramas, a square and benches to take a breath. What he could not foresee, however, was that his idea, which was especially enjoyable to walkers and residents - and which also contributed to the well-being, solidarity and social cohesion of citizens - would eventually be hijacked by king car in the second half of the 20th century.

Under the influence of increasing car traffic, many adjustments were made, as a result of which this promenade lost its original cachet and even worse its functions, namely bringing people together, inviting them to walk, enjoying themselves in the public space and enjoying the views. The Little Ring, as it is now called, is circumventing the city centre and is literally suffocating Brussels. It is no coincidence that we find the highest pollution value on this route. The residents of the nearby streets and neighborhoods, including Anderlecht, and all houses along the route, are seriously affected by the enormous car pressure and the associatedair and noise pollution. Not only was the roadway widened in the course of the 1970's, but local authorities turned a blind eye to illegal parking on the remaining space in the central reservation for decades. Offenders were not punished, and hundreds of cars are still kolonizing the space originally designed for people. What makes matters even worse is that the nearby neighborhoods score very poorly in terms of public space. Every year, 10,000 people die in Belgium from the consequences of air pollution. Many young people and other citizens live in precarious conditions with an acute shortage of healthy air, space to move and play.

Several citizens' initiatives had already raised questions and contested these inhuman conditions, with some victories as a result (Parc Ninoofse Poort) and currently some politicians are also beginning to realize that change is needed. Former Minister of Mobility Smet launched a participation project with the classic tools, such as neighborhood meetings, to temporarily set up the so-called central dividing strip, used as an illegal parking, as a shared space. We the young people, and people for whom the threshold for such meetings is too high, are unfortunately not sufficiently involved in this practice, or the processes are not accessible enough or insufficiently adapted to our needs or interests (ex-cathedra, difficult times, formal approach,…) We found these plans, namely a temporary implementation of the so-called “central reservation”, not ambitious enough and we believe that not all actors were sufficiently informed, questioned and involved in the current process and in the "city making”in general.

That is why we, 8 young people from the neighborhood, started a European project of 12 months to inform young people and other inhabitants of these neighborhoods about the original destination, conceived by Jean-Baptiste Vifquain, to raise their awareness about the pollution & ( urban) human rights, together with them to think and dream about an alternative interpretation of this space that now mainly goes to the car (traffic & parking spaces), reclaiming the space through various creative interventions in the space and the neighborhood and bring people together.

Our main goal is to improve and activate the neighborhood and public space for and together with the local residents, the so-called placemaking process. But also make the neighborhood and the residents dream about an alternative for the current situation where space mainly goes to the car and where breathing is unhealthy. To achieve this goal, we use two strategies. We want to improve our neighborhood by starting an inclusive and accessible participation program that informs, questions, dreams and involves citizens in informal ways (through regular and accessible actions and interventions), for example through social moments and sports - and to organize game, green and social activities in the "central reservation".


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Aggiornamento: 25 mag 2020

After the experience in Lisbon with Brigada do Mar, The Association Uniamoci Onlus is starting to organize beach cleaning events involving volunteers, disabled people and students. To promote a green attitude, sharing a positive message to the inhabitants of the disadvantaged neighborhood of Brancaccio, in Palermo, Uniamoci Onlus decided to involve also the students both in activities of street cleaning, that we already do from several years, and in the beach cleaning activity that we started after the experience in Lisbon. The beach that the volunteers are cleaning is in a very bad condition, just imagine that in only 2 hours of cleaning they collected 30 bags of garbage and a lot of garbage is still there. Our goal is to periodically go in that area of the beach to remove the garbage that pollutes the environment, and doing that with young students can generate in them a process of reflection on their action and about their important role in the sharing of green attitudes and in the involving of a largest number of people. The group of volunteers is composed also by people with intellectual disability, this is the concrete demonstration that everybody can be able to do something. Furthermore this kind of activities generate in the volunteers the good feeling in the volunteers to be useful in the society, the pleasure to be in contact with other people, and the consciousness about what is the real situation in our city and how is important start to find a way to solve the problem or, at least to reduce It. We are purposeful and the energy of young people motivates us to be more active!!!

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The first joint staff training event of the Project from 06/12/2019 to 10/12/2019 was held in Portugal- Lisbon by Brigada do Mar. Three participants for each country where directly involved in the activity of beach cleaning.

The participants started with a day of beach clean up in the estuarium of the river Tejo in the city of Almada and Moita. During the three days the group was engaged in the beach cleaning coordinated by Brigada do Mar of 5 different Municipalities.

The practical activities started with the meeting of volunteers, a group composed by yiuth, children and people of every age, there were also some family, united by the same goal: cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!

An initial briefing gave to the volunteers knowledge about the material to collect and the ones to leave in the nature, warnings about dangerous substances that is possible to find in the beach and how to behave and also some indispensable organizational aspect about the work to do: how to collect the glass, where to put the bags full of rubbish and also instructions about the area to be cleaned.

Unbelievable how the volunteers were well motivated, not only at the starting of the activity but till the end, when the tiredness start to come out. To keep the mood high there was the energy of the people of Brigada do Mar, smiling, shouting encouraging words to pump the power to the volunteers. They used to move the volunteers, with a quad that was running on the sand from one side to another, to well manage the cleaning, to collect the volunteers together but also to give them some break to relax, have fun and collect energy again to actively start. When the work became harder the help of the music supported the volunteers.

Now, after having seen and having participated to the beach cleaning day organized in Lisbon, the goal of the Green Youth's Promoters is to transfer that powerful energy in their countries, implementing something similar in their territory, involving as many people as possible and giving them the right motivation.

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We are a strategic partnership composed by 4 European organizations: Associazione Uniamoci Onlus from Italy, BRIGADA DO MAR - UNIÃO from Portugal, Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO from Poland and Urban Foxes from Belgium.

© 2019 by Uniamoci Onlus
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