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We start from the youth


Aggiornamento: 25 mag 2020

After the experience in Lisbon with Brigada do Mar, The Association Uniamoci Onlus is starting to organize beach cleaning events involving volunteers, disabled people and students. To promote a green attitude, sharing a positive message to the inhabitants of the disadvantaged neighborhood of Brancaccio, in Palermo, Uniamoci Onlus decided to involve also the students both in activities of street cleaning, that we already do from several years, and in the beach cleaning activity that we started after the experience in Lisbon. The beach that the volunteers are cleaning is in a very bad condition, just imagine that in only 2 hours of cleaning they collected 30 bags of garbage and a lot of garbage is still there. Our goal is to periodically go in that area of the beach to remove the garbage that pollutes the environment, and doing that with young students can generate in them a process of reflection on their action and about their important role in the sharing of green attitudes and in the involving of a largest number of people. The group of volunteers is composed also by people with intellectual disability, this is the concrete demonstration that everybody can be able to do something. Furthermore this kind of activities generate in the volunteers the good feeling in the volunteers to be useful in the society, the pleasure to be in contact with other people, and the consciousness about what is the real situation in our city and how is important start to find a way to solve the problem or, at least to reduce It. We are purposeful and the energy of young people motivates us to be more active!!!

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We are a strategic partnership composed by 4 European organizations: Associazione Uniamoci Onlus from Italy, BRIGADA DO MAR - UNIÃO from Portugal, Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO from Poland and Urban Foxes from Belgium.

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