During the staff training event in Palermo, Urban foxes inspired our Italian group to make new green actions. Initially the idea was to spread seeds in abandoned flowerbeds in the city, but then we found online the launch of “seedbombs”, a green war against pollution, and we decided to realize it. Seedbombs, are a funny and practical way to grow. They can be thrown anywhere, walking or from a bike, and they have an high probability of germination. This allows you to transform any grey area into a green area. This type of activity is part of the "urban and green guerrilla", a new pacifist form of ecological activism. But what exactly do they consist of? Nothing could be simpler: a ball of clay mixed with a good soil, full of seeds of native plants, which do not require too much care and are very resistant. By combining clay, soil, water and seeds and drying them in the sun, it is possible to create these little “green bombs” and throw them around the city.
We created our seed-bombs with our group of users with disabilities and then we threw them in the school yard of a local high-school. A fynny and useful experience!