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Fostering youth active involvement

Green youth's promoters

This is the title of the Short-term joint staff training event that was held by Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO, from 17 to 19 April 2021.

Because of the pandemic it had to be realized online, on the zoom platform and using some online tools for interaction as Miro, padlet and Jamboard.

A new way of management where coffe breaks weren't moments for getting to know each other better or for informal chats but to go in the kitchen and drink a coffie alone or with family mebers and get rest from whatching a screen!

Despite the initial fears, the participants were very satisfied from the learning path, new actvities planned, ideas for the future. It was a fruitful time for all of them.

Besides the team building activities, the following topics were addressed and deepened:

  • Non formal education- theory and pratice;

  • Non formal methods- type and example;

  • "Start from where young people are"- meeting with Climate Youth Councils Poland

  • Workshop and training modules- example and discussion;

  • Good pratices example- presentation and discussion;

  • Role playing – one of the methods in pratice;

  • Methods and workshop development- brainstorming about working in groups;

  • Creation of an activity addressing youth and environmental education/climate change in national groups

  • Workshop presentation+ Feedback from experts

  • Project Follow Up

The entire event was characterized by a participative method able to actively involve all the participants in the learning process and to promote the exchange of knowledge ed experiences.

The training ended with a task for the national groups: to implement with a group of youth the activity they created during the training.

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We are a strategic partnership composed by 4 European organizations: Associazione Uniamoci Onlus from Italy, BRIGADA DO MAR - UNIÃO from Portugal, Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO from Poland and Urban Foxes from Belgium.

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